Stirling Training & Management Consultants Pte Ltd

Sun Tzu says: “To win without fighting is the supreme strategy.”

Remembering Bandit

matter of hours, Bandit’s condition went downhill and then he died just before I boarded the jet to come home to him.

I felt so lousy that I wasn’t there to hold him when he breathed his last. We hadn’t said our farewell. But then Judy and I hadn’t bid each other farewell too. And so I told myself, there is no need for goodbye because we shall ultimately catch up and be reunited again as sure as GOD is good and He is real. As my friends, and my gut feelings keep telling me: TRUST GOD.

With such a look on his face, you can bet there is something naughty brewing in Bandit’s willful mind. Pic taken in happier times.

How I miss this frisky, playful, and willful little rascal.

On December 17, 2010, my “four-legged” son and faithful companion of 11 years, Bandit, a Yorkshire terrier, passed away peacefully. Though I wept bitterly from missing him, I realized I ought to trust GOD and accept that the Lord has finally allowed the little fellow to go home for that joyful reunion with his Mama who had left earlier on December 19, 2007.

Bandit’s job - bringing smiles and laughter to his Mama and I, and especially being a most faithful and comforting companion to me all the time that I was grieving the passing

of his Mama - is done.

His death rams home once again this startling truth as told in the Bible: “How do you know what is going to happen tomorrow? For the length of your lives is as uncertain as the morning fog - now you see it; soon it is gone.” (James 4:14). True enough, he appeared to be recovering from his illness and then within just a