Stirling Training & Management Consultants Pte Ltd

Sun Tzu says: “To win without fighting is the supreme strategy.”

Best-selling seminar

One of Khoo Kheng-Hor’s best-selling seminar-workshops is Sun Tzu’s Strategies for Winners. The course details are as follow:


Sun Tzu’s Strategies for Winners.


Introduction: In the Art of War, Sun Tzu wrote that “Invincibility lies in one’s own hands while the enemy’s vulnerability is of his own making.” This means we can and should focus on making



ourselves strong. Learn from this seminar how you can strengthen yourself.


Objectives: By the end of this seminar-workshop, you will develop or enhance your “winner” mindset to effectively use the ancient strategies in approaching and resolving problems, embracing and managing change, and revisit your leadership style to lead and motivate people.


For whom: This specially-designed program caters to those who are responsible for their organization’s success or groomed to shoulder future responsibility.


Course outline:

0900Introducing Sun Tzu’s Art of War: Learn what it is all about.

0915Separating Winners from Losers: Discover why winners are few as compared to the hordes of losers.

1015—Coffee break.

1030—Resume our study of winner’s mindset.


1300Effective Generalship: Find out if you have what it takes to be a “general” or leader, and develop or enhance your leadership qualities.


1515Workshop: Am I  a STAR General?

1600Workshop: Transfer of learning from a video discussion.




This course can be tailored to suit in-house needs, e.g. delivered as a 1-hour presentation in a conference, or run as a half-day (0900 to 1230) lecture. Delegates can expect an entertaining and enlightening session.


Other Sun Tzu’s Strategies-based courses are (1) Win Without Fighting, (2) Winning Sales Professional, (3) Attracting, Developing & Retaining Talents, (4) Corporate Planning, (5) Marketing, and (6) Customer Service.


[If you wish to read any of Khoo’s past articles, they are available at by courtesy of Aldwin Teo].

Khoo Kheng-Hor interacting with his “pupils” during a seminar.