Stirling Training & Management Consultants Pte Ltd

Sun Tzu says: “To win without fighting is the supreme strategy.”

Non-Fiction Books

Khoo has published 17 business and management books and nine handbooks - most of which are based on Sun Tzu’s Art of War - and two novels. Here are a few of his best-selling titles:


War at Work is for those who seek an easy-to-follow guide to begin interpreting the ancient military treatise, the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Those who want more on how Sun Tzu’s strategies can be applied in the corporate world should try Sun Tzu & Management which Gopal Sreenevasan in his review in Malaysian Business says: “Khoo has managed to bring the whole subject to a most welcome level of realism by injecting examples of actual management situations he has come across in his career.” As for Applying Sun Tzu’s Art of War in Corporate Politics, it is definitely a book no executive can do without. Combine with Win Without Fighting, life at the workplace and home shall be a breeze.

For more titles, please enter “Khoo Kheng-Hor” in any Internet search engine.

As for those who couldn’t find time to read text books, try the handbooks below.


Most titles are available at major bookstores, e.g. MPH, or on-line bookshops.